is it ok to let your dog die naturally

It is usually administered into the front leg, but the injection can sometimes be given in other areas depending on the age and breed of the dog. When the day comes, your vet may inject a sedative to make your pet more comfortable before injecting a dose of brightly colored pentobarbital, a liquid barbiturate often used for anesthesia. Deciding how to let your dog pass can be a very difficult thing for dog owners, but it is ultimately your decision. Her early years were spent flying from state to state and continent to continent, but the two of us settled down 12 years ago. My four angel cats died at home with me. In some cases, it might mean hand-feeding for frail pets or carrying an animal to a water dish or litter box. I'm so torn as to what to do. My 13 year old terrier passed away here at home a week ago today. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. His litter box has nothing in it. Like you said, it is a personal decision and one that isn't taken lightly. According to, there's no standard time a dog takes to die naturally. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. They will also stop drinking water. I am heartbroken. Is your four-legged friend in pain? Do most vets try to help you with this decision. My experience is that the topic is difficult to discuss w/o being shamed by those who have chosen to euthanize. That often means euthanasia. But, had Bentley been a two-year-old human instead of a dog, euthanasia would not have been a legal option.". Heidi Thorne from Chicago Area on July 01, 2013: I know you've just been through this. Only you and your vet know your dog best and can make an informed decision. I want to do a natural home death. If your dog or cat is slowing down but is still eating and responding to your commands, it's likely that these are just signs of old age and that they aren't in any pain. Sometimes this may require advanced imaging such as an ultrasound and/or referral to a specialty practice with 24-hour critical care available. My sweet Sophia was eight when she passed quietly at home. Next, the vet will inject pentobarbital, which is liquid anesthesia. I had to ask what she was doing there. At Dogs Naturally, we are changing the world for dogs. Chronic renal failure in dogs is characterized by the inability of the kidneys to filter the blood properly. Thank you so much for writing this well thought out, sensitive and knowledgeable article. We are facing another loss to cancer soon and hope she can die naturally at home. Is it OK to let a dog die naturally? She never complained, not even a whimper. Cats often hate to be taken out of their environment, so dying at the home may seem to be the best choice. The worst part is, I am staying with my mom THIS weekend and I won't be here NEXT weekend. If finances permit, sometimes pursuing advanced diagnostics can help make a decision. Dogs are often stoic and will not necessarily manifest pain in obvious ways. I took off time from work to be with them and had instructions from my Vet. Alternatively, a great number of veterinarians offer home visits to perform euthanasia which avoids the need to travel to the vets office. What I know is that all four of my pets had a different death experience. As much as it sounds like your doggy was struggling, at least she was with you during this challenging time. Do I have a hard time accepting it? Although your veterinarian will have the best recommendation as to your pets condition, here are some symptoms that may show he/she is in distress: Pain Complete loss of appetite Incontinence Extreme fatigue Total loss of mobility or lack of coordination Veterinarians, of course, will recommend euthanasia, because that's what they are used to doing and some may not be familiar with hospice care or holistic treatments. Yes, they may still twitch, defecate and urinate, keep their eyes open, or even vocalize after dying, but these are reflexes the vet may make you aware of in advance. I dont know for sure if I did the right thing. This article comes with a warning. We have taken pets in for euthanasia over the years, and have lost 2-pets naturally under pain management sedation at home. Please always consult with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog. He knew.. and I believe he wanted to go out on his own. The medicine made her very ill and I regretted giving it to herfinally she seemed to get a little better, until about four days ago, and over the weekend when the vet was closed. posted inBlog,Pet Health,Pet Nutrition Making the choice to euthanize your pet in a compassionate manner is a difficult one to come to. Some dog owners are also afraid that they may choose euthanasia too early when there is a chance the dog could get better. It's hard.. And she is allowed to be free and finally go be in peace. There are chances that there may be medications to stop the vomiting. They dont question the process. You can also call the dedicated hotline the ASPCA has for those dealing with the difficult decision of euthanizing a pet. It is nice to want your dog to die at home but please consider euthanasia if it is at all . For those who still feel uncertain about this decision, speak to someone whose counsel you value as well as your vet. There are also companies that have on board veterinarians specializing in hospice care and provide end of life consultation. It took many hours after that for him to leave us and now we are absolutely wracked with guilt about it thinking we should have taken him to the vet but at the time it seemed unnecessarily cruel to do that when he was close to death. The heart typically begins pumping harder to keep blood pressure and oxygen levels right. He, and no animal, deserves that. Answer: With older dogs, the best thing to do is to talk with a veterinarian. I have a photograph I took on my phone,it was only a few minutes later that she took one last look at me, changed positions and stopped breathing. And finally, she said, it means a "well death." Dr. Villalobos has advocated what she. Some dying pets suffer greatly and go into terrible respiratory distress and thrash about and become agonal before death. His breathing seems normal. For joint pain, we found some awesome supplements that worked like a charm. Please, please, please, end her misery. I have learned so much from being with my pets at the end. It covers topics such as death and euthanasia which some readers may find distressing. But it's important to start thinking about what you will do when the time comes so you can have some plans in place. I will never allow a dog to suffer again. It can be incredibly hard for most dog owners to watch their dogs health decline, making euthanasia the easy choice. I have dealt with something similar when I worked for a vet. If nothing dramatic occurs no reason to intervene. If you decide to let your dog or cat die at home, you will need to learn how to recognize pain and must acknowledge and accept all the events as they unfold. Regardless of if your pet dies at home or is put to sleep, you're going to need time to grieve over the passing of your furry companion. If the vet says they are in severe pain and there is no way to reduce it, it's time to say goodbye. I have a dog that I know I will have to do the same thing with, but it won't be any easier. They are a vital member of Read more. They are so stoic, in fact, that when its just a matter of pain, they just accept it as the way things are at that moment. After speaking with the vet he advised from what I relayed to him that there were no obvious signs of pain or discomfort which I know is very difficult to tell in cats of any age. The rabies virus itself is a carcinogen. Unbelievably so actually. I gave him Rimadyl under the direction of my vet, to keep him comfortable, and he, too, went pretty quickly. She does not seem to be in any pain and a lot of times when I think I need to do this she Springs back and runs around like she's ten years old. Recognizing the symptoms of intestinal blockages in dogs is important, considering that blockages are serious problems that may lead to death when left untreated. If you're dealing with more indoor accidents, you can place a pee pad near their bed or even have them wear a diaper if that's easier. More and more dog owners are choosing natural death over euthanasia, and there is nothing wrong with that, as long as the dogs are kept as pain-free and comfortable as possible and their underlying condition is well-managed. Most pets lose consciousness within seconds, just like when you are given an anesthetic and asked to count backward. If someone wanted to hospice and do palliative care they would have to hire someone, take a week or more from work. It may be insightful determining what exactly is going on. Hospice vets are best equipped for this. If your dog is nearing the end of his days, you are probably dealing with a lot of pain, emotions, and jumbled-up feelings understandably so. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on December 27, 2018: Michael Scott, so sorry you feel this way. I knew he was getting old and into his senior years but I just feel so naive for not being more prepared and thinking he would just go in his sleep. What should you do if your dog ate d-Con mouse poison or Tomcat rat bait? After awhile, her hind legs didn't work any longer. I made the decision to wait for the mobile vet who finally showed up too late, the next day. Your companion may not go through some of these stages if you euthanize your pet before they unfold. Your Vet should have a list of recommendations, talk to them about it. She doesn't seem to be in pain, though she's sleepy and weak. I was with her and able to calm her fears and I believe she passed knowing I loved her and we would meet again. There was just nothing left anyone could do. I will never know if my vet was just doing her job or trying to be a heroor? Be as forgiving to yourself as Dixie wouldve been to you. Hows his quality of life? However, instead of simply numbing an area, enough will be given to depress the nervous system. Thank-you to All Pet-Lovers! Years ago, I was dropping off records at a new vet in a new town, and she was sitting in a cage on the counter. Other than that it isnt my job to end her fight since she is. If you decide to let your dog or cat die at home, you will need to learn how to recognize pain and must acknowledge and accept all the events as they unfold. This is the time that vets are usually not so busy, so the office is more peaceful for the procedure. The widespread view of a natural death is generally influenced by what we have seen on TV or in the movies, which often shows someone dying peacefully in their sleep. Like a lot of cats she never travelled well and really didnt like the vet. In a private cremation, the body is cremated individually, and the ashes will be returned to you. My Midge is 14. When you let your animal die at home, it might appear "serene," but it's not- with the exception of extreme, severe hemorrhage (where the body bleeds out quickly and the patient loses consciousness). The dog healed well and it had a happy ending. We believe healthy food is the best form of medicine, and what we feed our dogs today directly impacts the quality of their lives tomorrow. Please someone give me advice as I have always euthanized my pets that were ill and this one I just feel she needs to be at home to go peacefully. Dogs are tenacious and cling to life, often for far longer than we as vets or you as owners expect, despite serious medical conditions and great suffering. Glad you were able to do it. In retrospect, I wish I'd handled things differently. She has had a peaceful life in the country ever since. Additionally, your dog gets to die in their home. The difference (for us) emotionally is big. He was not conscious but we believed that he knew we were there. In the wild, debilitated animals naturally become prey. And last but not least, even though it sounds inappropriate, the staff may ask you if your pet has bitten or scratched anyone in the past days. Take her to the vet immediately! Obviously, our dogs are unable to choose this option for themselves so the decision falls to us as their guardians. It is a decision I'd rather leave to natural causes, but I can never stand to see a pet suffer. It was sudden and aggressive hemorrhaging from stomach cancer. If the dog is one that gets embarrassed or seems ashamed when it has an accident, then leaving an old, incontinent dog to slowly pass away does not let them die with dignity, which is something you also need to consider. The average time for "rigor" to set in is 3-4 hours and its typically complete within 12 hours post death. The vet gave her a week, and said she was in Kidney failure and had a mass in her stomach that was most likely cancerous. My 16 year old dog is scheduled to be euthanized tomorrow, but my fear is that she may die naturally on her own before the hospice nurse arrives (14 hours from now). Im so sorry for your loss.. strong 13 years. Yes, I am doing better, thanks for asking. My anxiety about seeing her this way is just too much for me . Jillian, so sorry you are going through. I rushed him to the vet. It's more commonly called chronic kidney failure (CKF). He started shaking when they came in (3 strangers and the vet) and the procedure was rushed. Occasionally, this decision is taken out of our hands due to an accident or sudden illness. Every situation is different. I was sitting holding my best friend's hand when she died and saw the pain she endured each time the effect of the most powerful pain killers wore off. First, lets explore the concept of dying naturally. I hate the fear of taking my dog to the vet because she is so afraid and knows where she's going and something always painful happens when she's at the vet. Yesterday was so hard, I knew the end was near and was still battling with the decision of whether to take her to the vet or not. Thank you so much for writing this article. One example is a company known as "Lap of Love.". Dying is not pretty. The dog loses consciousness within seconds of the injection and death follows a few seconds later. ) I wanted to be hopeful. The only pain most animals feel is the prick of the injection. She says that if you determine that their pain can't be mitigated by any mild pain relievers, then the decision should be made to let the animal go. There are, of course, advantages and disadvantages to both options, which is why this is such a difficult decision for any pet owner to make. Your companion may not go through some of these stages if you euthanize your pet before they unfold. The average lifespan for a dog is around 12-15 years, but this can vary depending on the breed, size, and health of the dog. One day during training, he took off for a retrieve, and halfway there, jumped almost straight up and then kept going. Is It OK To Let Your Dog Die Naturally? I lost my girl and she suffered instead of going peacefully. She doesnt want to be up in the bed with me. A few days ago when she took a turn for the worse I absolutely agonised about whether to have her put to sleep at the vet or let her die at home, a home death being much more preferable but hard. She would meow for water and jump into the tub, but just stare at the water on the floor of the tub like she forgot how to drink. Just that quick. I regret agreeing to it. My Dixie died early yesterday morning alone in her crate. I am in the UK and for the past year have been caring for my best friend's elderly cat. Take care! Your veterinarian will be there to discuss all the options with you and offer advice and support to help you come to the right decision for you and your dog. They may also charge extra fees, but it may be worthy, considering that, the pet is at home where most comfortable and doesn't have to endure the stress of a car ride and being taken to a place he or she may fear if the dog was never fond of going to the vet. It was a heartbreaking experience and I have read so many articles that have felt shaming as if I should have been more prepared and my internal voice is already screaming that at me in my grief. I have been in the same home for 20 years and she knew no other. This includes: lamb necks. Better I think for everyone one day too soon than one day too late. Your vet can teach you how to give sub-q fluids; however, in some conditions, such as edema, fluids may make the condition worse and cause breathing difficulties. Mazey passed in my arms 4 full hrs before the vet was to arrive. The pet is booked at the vet's office, and they reserve a special time slot specifically for this procedure. When our dog was struggling to get up, we used a blanket under her to help her to help her get up, invested in non-slip mats and used toe-grips. When the body feels like something is wrong, it naturally goes to work trying to fix it. Many provide 7/24 hour services. It's a good idea to have several emergency numbers to keep on hand should your vet not be available for some reason. You might also want to ask your vet for anti-diarrheal medication. The only pain the dog may feel is the pinch of being stuck by a needle. As a loving pet owner, you know your dog better than anyone and will notice when they are not acting like themselves. Fortunately, there are now options to euthanize your dog at home by having a vet travel to you. my dog is currently on her last hours.. you see I feel at this moment its a huge regret for me not euthanizing her.. its hurting me to watch her go out this way, putting a fight up against it when she should get her rest already.. it all doesnt make sense sometimes its them who are your true best friends..and it hurts having to make the last decision for them they dont know any better.. neither do we know whats the better. They irrigated it and he was fine in a couple of weeks. Should I let my dog die naturally or rush her to the vet for euthanasia if she starts actively dying today? It was a 24 hour process but I feel taking her to a vet to be put down would have been a terribly stressful experience for both of us. My beautiful little friend Lara passed away early this morning. Your email address will not be published. My heart goes out to you, I struggled for days about whether to go to the vet or not but knowing her for such a long time I do genuinely feel that she was not suffering and going to the vet to be euthanised would have made her suffer and I'm not going to lie it would have made me suffer more too. Before diving in further, its essential to understand that this is a highly personal choice. My mom and I made the choice to put her down after my mom found her in the tub crying and crying for water. But our vet at the time was amazing and venturing into the hospice arena. Pet Euthanasia is Not The Same as Natural Death (Dog Die Naturally) Euthanasia is a veterinary operation that aims to shorten the animal's suffering by injecting an overdose of anesthetic. The expectation that your dog will "die in their sleep" can happen, but it is generally uncommon. I don't think I could go through it again. after 13 years my dog was put to rest she had a yeast infection i wanted to keep her blanket to help with her passing is it safe ? Adrienne Farricelli (author) on July 01, 2013: It's great you found an amazing vet willing to do all that and I am sure his care and kindness was helpful at such a hard time. I think too. We think our dogs rationalize as we do. Ask your vet for any pain management tips or options. It wasn't and now I dont know how to cope with the guilt. Blood pressure measurements may be helpful indicators since blood pressure rises when an animal is in pain. Thank you for writing an article that explores both natural death and euthanasia in a neutral and compassionate way. Here is what to expect at your pet's euthanasia appointment and how the procedure is carried out. Is it kinder to let your dog pass naturally? Lara has been terminally ill for a few months but slowing down for over a year the vet said she was quite an old cat for her size. At this stage there are two choices to consider, we can either allow them to die naturally or we can put them to sleep. In 2007, less than sixteen in 10,000 terminally ill people in Oregon chose to take lethal medication, which means only 0.2% took the opportunity to end their lives prematurely! So sorry for your loss. The mobile vet was overrun with calls"we'll come tomorrow" It was the longest night of my life. Scarlett will always be in my heart. Owners can create an area in familiar surroundingsa sanctuaryfor the animal to be comfortable and in familiar surroundings. My dog moved on the second shot and howled.,plus the hair stood up on his whole back! She wouldnt relax. Ihre Fans verstehen die Welt nicht mehr. She is drinking water but unable to keep it down. Dealing with their impending death is excruciating, and it can be tough to cope. When an animal passes without medical intervention, the process of dying may take hours or days, and the owner may see labored breathing, anxiety, or seizures. She died at home, and in some pain, as I waited and waited for mobile vet to arrive. Prior to this, she was taking multiple pain medications, mainly for her arthritis (tramadol, gabapentin, prednisone). Can anyone help? I will always miss her but know deep down I will see her again. They found cardiovascular disease to be the most common cause of sudden death followed by toxicity, gastrointestinal disease, trauma and non-traumatic hemorrhage with incidences of 21.9, 16.6, 12.6 and 6.6% respectively. Sometimes, there may be un-diagnosed disorders that may be treatable. As your pet grows older or as an incurable and fatal disease progresses, you may start thinking about those dreaded final days. She has been very confused and stopped eating a drinking. You might be filled with guilt for euthanizing them or you might worry that they suffered in their final moments. Labored Breathing. Many owners are afraid that their pet will pass alone. Euthanasia. My heart is broken and I know I will always wish I could have done more, better, faster for him because he loved me unconditionally for years and I would have never wanted him to suffer. It would have ended poorly and I couldn't have dealt with her having a seizure. And we are rarely prepared to lose them whenever their time comes. Here are some pros and cons for both putting your pet to sleep and letting them die at home. Learn the warning symptoms of a potential intestinal blockage in dogs and when to see the vet. Their body might slightly deflate as the air leaves their lungs. Dr. Gladstein says, "If your animal is in pain, then it becomes much more of an immediate issue, and letting them die naturally is really cruel and unusual punishment. The owner doesn't have to wonder if they made the wrong decision by putting them to sleep too early. When the morning came, I looked at her and she sat up. I didn't want him to feel anything. Answer: It's a personal choice. When in doubt, it's best to have a vet do an assessment. I had to research my feelings of deep grief to better comprehend what was going on. If things look grim, there are little chances for recovery, and quality of life is poor, then euthanasia is the ultimate gift of love a dog owner can make. Required fields are marked *. When you let your pet die in your home, it may appear "serene," but it's not- with the exception of extreme, severe hemorrhage (where the body bleeds out quickly and the patient loses consciousness). Options include communal cremation, private cremation, and burial. You might want to put some of their favorite toys near their bed or blanket. By educating yourself, you have the chance to recognize your dogs condition before he suffers for long. My healthy dog was put down for no ill reason.Im sad he attacked another dog and didn't make it.I ask myself what did I do wrong ? Many people think this is the only choice, or they may feel that allowing a pet to die at home is unacceptable. I really needed to read this today. I struggled so much with the decision of whether to put her to sleep at the vet and am so glad I didnt. The question, though, is whether that is true. The question, though, is whether that is true. You should always let a vet handle euthanization. Your email address will not be published. I say little friend because although she was 14 she was always a small cat and not much bigger than a large kitten. He stared at the door the day of the appointment. She was a bit more anti-social than normal and she had lost a lot of weight. It would have cost a lot of money in x-rays and you can't do surgery on an elderly cat as she most likely wouldn't wake up. While some dogs die suddenly without warning, other dogs give signs that their death is near. Feels right. Thanks for stopping by! It is possible that other dogs are dying for days or weeks before they die. I had begun what I called "cat hospice," essentially giving her tuna juice and tuna or chicken with a bit of Pedialyte. Euthanasia is almost always (apparently rare occasions that the dog may react poorly to the sedative) peaceful and painless. Thank You,very touching and beautiful.My Lilly passed away this afternoon and I am wracked with guilt for not having the euthanasia.I knew she was dying & when I saw her taking a turn for the worse I called her vet Saturday & she made us an appointment for euthanasia on Monday.She did die in my arms but it wasnt peaceful to start till the last few minutes. This article explains dog euthanasia pain. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time. The widespread view of a natural death is generally influenced by what we have seen on TV or in the movies, which often shows someone dying peacefully in their sleep. I think the issue here isnt so much about the timing, as about the way the euthanasia was handled: perhaps you could have a chat to the home visit vets about your concerns? Quoted from the book When Your Dog Has Cancer: Making the Right Decisions for You and Your Dog, Dr. Helene Starks of the University of Washington evaluated the 1998 to 2006 statistics relating to the Death with Dignity Act in the state of Oregon and found that the small number of patients who indeed took the medication to end their lives were neither in a rush to do it nor made the decision due to unbearable pain. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. It was the saddest thing I think I've ever had to go through. 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